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Law and Advocacy Resources

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The ADA is a law that that seeks to ensure access to facilities and prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities.

Client Assistance Program
If you are applying for or receiving services from VocRehab Vermont or other agencies, the Client Assistance Program (CAP) can provide you with more information and explain your rights and responsibilities, among other services.

Disability Law Project
The Disability Law Project provides legal assistance without charge to people with disabilities whose legal problems are related to their disability.

Disability Rights Vermont
Disability Rights Vermont supports the rights of Vermonters with disabilities by investigating complaints of violations of individual rights as well as abuse and neglect.

State Rehabilitation Council
The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) is an advocacy group for people with disabilities seeking employment services.

Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights
The Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights is an organization that advocates for the civil rights of people with disabilities in Vermont.

Vermont Human Rights Commission
The Vermont Human Rights Commission protects people from unlawful discrimination in housing, state government employment, and public accommodations.

Vermont Statewide Independent Living Council
Advancing the equality with with people with disabilities enjoy, participate in, and contribute to the lives of their communities, families, and friends.